44. CREATIVE: a permission slip to make your art with Melanie Karlins

If you love to create or make art, if you secretly want to, or if you struggle to find the time for it, this is a permission slip and love note of encouragement for you! Creative Mentor Melanie Karlins and I talk about how all humans are creative and why it matters to express what wants to move through us.

You’ll hear:

  • The broad range of practices we consider creative

  • Similarities between creativity and sex

  • Medicine for perfectionism and writer’s block

  • How lying on the floor or staring out of the window are essential parts of the creative process

  • Making time to show up for creativity and validating that it matters, especially as a mother

  • The necessity and discomfort of setting boundaries for your creative practice

  • Creativity as a radical act in the face of capitalism and patriarchy

  • The magic of co-regulation and doing it together

Melanie is a mentor and permission granter for creative women. She creates spaces where you can let your Inner Artist out to play so that you can enjoy the beauty, magic, and delight that comes from reconnecting to your creativity. Wherever you are in relationship to your creativity, Melanie offers support to help you live your most creative life. Whether you are looking to start a daily art practice, write a book, find a way to share your creative services with the world, or just get your hands dirty with ink and tools and clay and paint, she can support you on your creative journey.

Melanie’s website

Melanie’s Instagram


Book a Clarity Call with Carol

Carol’s Instagram

43. VEXED: Bridgerton and toxic relationship narratives with Bee Slêmanîyah

What do two Sex, Love and Relationship Coaches think of Bridgerton season 2 on Netflix? Dear Listener, we are vexed! Bee Slêmanîyah and I tangle with what turned us on and off, the way the characters treated each other, what makes for a good relationship, and the allure of emotionally unavailable men.

You’ll hear:

  • Why we binged it

  • Whether Anthony is a fuckboy

  • Harmful relationship dynamics

  • Society of the 1800s vs. now (we might not be as far as we think)

  • Response to other shows like True Blood and Twilight

  • What is being romanticised and is that the message we want?

  • Attachment styles and push/pull in relationships

  • Erotic blueprints and sexual tension

  • Kink & BDSM

  • Women’s portrayal and options in society

  • Emotional unavailability in potential partners

  • Balance between mystery/eroticism and safety/security in relationship

  • Interpreting your turn on while watching and using it for your benefit

  • Unrealistic portrayals of female sexual pleasure

  • Media as a vehicle for cultural messaging

  • The show’s attempt at racial diversity and inclusion

  • Turn on gas pedals and brakes

Through Trauma Informed, Somatic, Attachment Therapy and Coaching, in Sex, Love, & Relationships, Bee thrives on integrating shadow and light, bringing ones multiple truths and selves into their authentic dance— of pleasure, play, harmony, and belonging, while savouring all colours of the palette as the sacred and perfect parts of the humxn experience that they are.

From Trauma, Tantra, to Taboo, Bee’s work can be described as radical alchemy; holding spaces which allow humxns to come into their full spectrum authentic selves, and have pleasure based lives of Conscious Sex, Radical Love, and Evolutionary Relationships. 

As a kinky, queer, genderfull, BBIBOC, immigrant, parent, and performing artist, Bee loves serving folx with parallel lived experience, in marginalised communities, while also being deeply passionate about working with men, and revolutionizing dating, intimacy, and relating, (for all genders), with singles and in couples.

Bee’s Current Offers:


— RAW [Repair After Wounding]

— Tantra [for One or Two]

— Conscious Dating [Waiting List]

Specialized Services

— Bespoke CR&R (Ceremony, Rituals, & Rites) Journeys: [Celebration, Grief, Transition, Loss, Season/Planting]

— ST3M: (Sacred, Therapeutic, Trauma Informed, Tantric Massage) 3 Session Journey, or Singular Specific Session(s)"

Bee’s Instagram

Support Bee and their content 


Book a Clarity Call with Carol

Carol’s Instagram

42. BLOOD: honouring menstrual magick with Sequoia Glastonbury

blood menstrual magick blood prayers Sequoia Glastonbury

The Wild Witch Sequoia Glastonbury and I talk about blood magick, and how honouring your blood relates to your relationship with your body, your relationships, and your sexuality. We cover:

  • What it means to be a witch

  • The imprint your first bleed leaves on your life

  • Promising ways newer generations relate to their cycles

  • The menstrual cycle as a gateway for accepting and honouring your body

  • Getting used to seeing your own blood

  • Doing blood prayers during your bleeding time, offering your blood back to the earth

  • Honouring the inward pull and need for rest during your bleeding time when you have real life obligations

  • What to do when other people in your life are not on the same page as you

  • How loving your cycle helps you have better sex

  • Building belief and trust in yourself when you’re doing something different

  • Taking your time on this journey and letting it unfold at your own right pace

Sequoia is a Mother, a Witch, a Shamanic Craftswoman, a Doula and a Hearthkeeper. She is the founder of The Wild Witch, supporting women to claim their inner witch and live a wild and wonderful life. She offers in-person workshops, online courses and 1:1 support. A Teacher with the School of Shamanic Womancraft, she brings her presence and skills to witnessing and supporting transformation, creating safe spaces and supporting women to find their inner knowing and reclaim their power.

She holds workshops in her community, at conferences and festivals, on Blood Magick, Reclaiming our Wild Selves, Honouring Women and Menstruation, Drum Making, and Seasonal Sabbats. She has co-created and held Red Tents and women’s spaces around Australia.

She lives in the forest on Bundjalung Country in the Byron Hinterland with her family and animal companions, connecting daily with the earth and all the wild creatures she shares her bush home with. Sequoia holds the vision of the healed sisterhood and is dedicated to living in service to the Goddess.

Sequoia’s website: https://www.thewildwitch.com.au/

Sequoia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewildestwitch/

Sequoia’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewildestwitch

Book a free Clarity Call with me

41. YONI: finding your way back to pleasure with Karlyn Digitalis

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Karlyn Digitalis and I have a conversation about navigating the underworld and the unknown, yoni mapping therapy, integrating your yoni/pussy back into your body, the language we use for our genitals, and communicating with your sexual partners. She generously shares her story through a sexual awakening, birth and a birth injury, and the process of finding her way back to pleasure afterwards.

Karlyn specialises in guiding folk through transformational processes, drawing upon her training in Yoni Mapping Therapy (Bonnie Bliss method), Tantric Bodywork & Sacred Sexuality, Breathwork Mastery, Life Coaching, Yoga and Conscious Birth.

Her work is trauma-sensitive and the focus is on soothing the nervous system, integration of unresolved past events and empowering people to tap into their own healing capacity. Her passion is in creating sacred sanctuary to enable people to touch the divine within and know this as their truth. With almost 20 years experience working in the field of complementary health, she holds the space of profound kindness, understanding and integrity.

Karlyn’s website: sacred-alchemy.com.au/

Karlyn’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/sacredalchemykarlyn

Karlyn’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_erotic_alchemist/

Book a call with me: https://carolanne.as.me

My Instagram: www.instagram.com/carolannealive/

40. PUSSYCRAFTING: vulva art, creativity and sexual energy from my Pussy Pulpit

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A solo episode from my Pussy Pulpit on Pussycrafting! Why make art of/from pussy? What’s the relationship between sexual energy and creativity?

Featuring a guest appearance from a chorus of bush stone-curlew birds in my neighbourhood part way through - they have comedic timing!

If you’re curious about working with me, book a free Clarity Call here. And connect with me on Instagram.

39. STEAMING: yoni steaming for wellness and revolutionary power with Sali McIntyre

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Sali McIntyre and I have a conversation about the practice of yoni/vaginal steaming: what it’s good for, how to do it, contraindications, incorporating prayers and gratitude into the practice, and how it works on multiple layers of your being, from the physical to spiritual. We talk about reproductive health, reclaiming authority over our own bodies, the healing power of community and connection, and the ways our Western culture is unwell.

Sali is a certified Arvigo® Practitioner and Educator and Co-Founder of the Heart and Soul of Wellness Centre in Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia. She is a mother, grandmother, trained midwife, Arvigo® therapist, prenatal yoga teacher, birth educator and advocate for women with an enduring passion for birth on every level. She believes passionately that we are on the brink of/in the middle of the Birth Revolution that will see women taking back birth and their reproductive health into their hands.

You can find Sali, her book “Womb Medicine: The Art of Yoni Steaming for Women’s Health” and accompanying card deck at www.heartandsoulofwellness.com.

Book a free Clarity Call with me. Connect with me on Instagram.

38. TRANSITIONS: Support through uncertainty and a personal update

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I’m back with a solo episode from my Pussy Pulpit on transitions, including what can support you through a transition, how transitions can affect your desire for sex, and sharing about my recent move with my partner to a different part of the country.

If you’re curious about working with me, book a free Clarity Call here. And connect with me on Instagram.

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on YouTube

37. DEVOTION: in loving relationship with our bodies, nature, and intuition with Casey Hall

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This conversation with Healthy Sensuality Coach Casey Hall is all about devotion to our bodies, nature, and that which wishes to move through us. We talk about how sensuality contributes to wellness, meditating with trees, how meeting your body’s needs supports personal growth, and being in relationship with all living things.

Casey has spent the past 12 years fine-tuning her passion for helping people improve their relationship with themselves. She began her career teaching nutrition and physical activity to children and adults with disabilities. She then went on to teach wellness on a larger scale, focusing on disease management, weight loss, and holistic stress management. After coaching thousands of people, she recognized there was a missing piece to the holistic wellness equation. Through spending 2 years getting certified as a Sex, Love, and Relationship coach, she realized that forming a healthy relationship with one’s sensuality was the missing piece. Healthy sensuality means being connected to our senses, to the messages our body is constantly giving us, and understanding how this connection plays a crucial role in our relationship to ourselves and others. Casey is now a full-time Healthy Sensuality Coach. She loves her work and knows that it's what she came here to do.

You can find Casey on her website and through her podcast Slow the F Down Show.

Book a free Clarity Call with me. Connect with me on Instagram.

36. CONNECTION: what to do when your body betrays you with Shelby Leigh

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Shelby Leigh joins me to talk about the ways it can feel like our bodies are betraying us through things like panic attacks, infertility, illness, and shutting down pleasure, and how to address them.

Shelby Leigh has nearly 15 years of clinical practice, a Masters degree in Somatic Psychotherapy, two coaching Certificates and numerous trainings in the Somatic treatment of trauma. Between her own journey with complex PTSD and supporting thousands of students and clients, she is ignited by supporting folks across the globe to be able to support themselves and the people they work with to move from simply surviving to claiming confidence, authenticity and deep connection inside and out.

Join Shelby’s Creating Safer Space program.

Connect with Shelby on her website / Facebook / Instagram / Revolutionary Love and Resilience Podcast.

Book a free Clarity Call with me. Connect with me on Instagram.