
Come home to your body and your sensual, sexual nature.


About me and what I do


About Me

I help people to embody peace, pleasure, and acceptance within themselves, to love their bodies and their sexuality, and to cultivate fulfilling relationships.

I have experienced a lot of shame and repression of my sexuality, and spent years playing the good girl and the people pleaser, always feeling like I wasn’t good enough. I know what it feels like to be constantly scanning the outside world for the answers to how I should live my life, and I know what it feels like to draw that energy slowly and steadily back into myself, like the shifting of a great tectonic plate.

I know what it feels like to radically transform my life, including my relationship, my career, as well as how I feel on the inside. I also know what it feels like to be at home in my body, to create a strong and loving relationship, to be liberated in my pleasure and my expression.

People often describe me as warm, nurturing, and grounded, and that they feel a strong sense of safety and presence with me.

Working with me feels like:

  • a big sigh of relief in being able to be radically honest about what you want, think, and feel without being judged - bringing out the truth for some fresh air!

  • both gentle and powerful

  • light-hearted and deep, like looking shame in the eye in one moment and laughing in the next

  • affirming and encouraging, sliding into a new way of being that feels so much more easeful and joyful


I am certified as an Integrated Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach through Layla Martin’s Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.

Podcast: Reawakening Love and Power with Carol Anne

Tune in for conversations, real anonymous coaching sessions, and guided practices on reawakening and reclaiming the parts of us we've lost, especially in the realms of love, power, sex, and relationships. Coming home into your body and working with it rather than fighting against it, taking a grounded approach to sensuality and intimacy, exploring our true nature, and discovering that we are already whole.

Browse podcast episodes →


To me, embodying the wild woman is about returning to our true nature, melting away conditioning that has artificially shaped us away from our truth, and living in full celebration of our bodies. The wild woman is belly laughs, saying yes and no and meaning it, liberating the body with sound and breath, deep connection to her intuition and the natural world, showing up with fierce love and courage in her relationships, and living life on her terms.


Receiving coaching from Carol has been a complete life-changer for me. Carol has the magical ability to be grounded and present in the most human way, while also guiding a pathway through deep and mystical realms. Receiving coaching from Carol is like being in the breathtaking presence of a female Dumbledore! With Carol I feel safe and held, and free to journey into the deepest parts of myself... nothing is out of bounds, from my deepest sexual fears to my silliest quirks. Carol was right there beside me every step of the way! Receiving coaching from Carol is one of those rarely-glimpsed fantastical experiences, like stumbling into Dumbledore’s office or sighting a unicorn! My life has been indelibly changed for the better having had the good fortune of crossing paths with Carol. Five golden stars!
— A
I felt that Carol created a very safe place for me to say and do whatever I wanted to - and she skillfully brought out a whole lot of feelings and thoughts that I did not realise were buried. While working with Carol, I experienced more orgasms during a couple of months than I have had for years, literally. I honestly thought that my lack of libido was due to menopause!
— L
My highlights from coaching with Carol were connecting to my own sense of pleasure again, as simple as feeling a cool breeze caressing my skin, feeling more present and passionate when being intimate, feeling sexual enthusiasm improve literally overnight, and being able to reveal myself, knowing I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I was able to re-create a new pathway from shame to love in one session with Carol.
— S

“Before talking to Carol, I had just broken up with my long-term boyfriend and was dealing with a lot of shame, pain and a low sense of self-worth. I was afraid that I had an inherent flaw that caused the failure of our relationship, and I didn't have a clear compass as to what I really wanted out of life. I was also afraid of listening to my own desires because I thought they might lead me to more heartbreak, confusion, and ultimately, suffering.


While working with Carol, I gained the capacity to find wisdom within my own body and emotions. With her support and guidance, I listened to the knowledge that rests within me and, in the process, I learned to trust myself. I have a much deeper relationship with every piece of my body and I listen to what my emotions are trying to tell me. In doing so, with Carol's support, I have reached levels of ecstasy, freedom, and enlightenment that I never knew were possible. I've learned that the love I've always sought from a partner can actually be found emanating from those pieces of myself that I've been afraid to look at. I now have the confidence to love and trust my needs in relationships, while also lovingly leaving those partners who aren't a good fit.

Since my sessions with Carol, I have had deeper conversations with most people in my life - whether family members, friends, or even new acquaintances - and I have experienced connection much more deeply and quickly than ever before. Because of my sessions with Carol, I feel that I am much more sensitive, compassionate, and direct with myself and with those around me. I can’t remember ever feeling this empowered!

The support to look at myself, my needs, and my inner life, without needing to care for anyone else's feelings or needs was really pivotal for me. I don't think I've participated in anything so transformational in my entire life!!!!”

- Marie


Connect with me on Instagram @carolannealive for playful videos, bites of wisdom from the podcast, and how I use my tools in my daily life.