39. STEAMING: yoni steaming for wellness and revolutionary power with Sali McIntyre

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Sali McIntyre and I have a conversation about the practice of yoni/vaginal steaming: what it’s good for, how to do it, contraindications, incorporating prayers and gratitude into the practice, and how it works on multiple layers of your being, from the physical to spiritual. We talk about reproductive health, reclaiming authority over our own bodies, the healing power of community and connection, and the ways our Western culture is unwell.

Sali is a certified Arvigo® Practitioner and Educator and Co-Founder of the Heart and Soul of Wellness Centre in Murwillumbah, NSW, Australia. She is a mother, grandmother, trained midwife, Arvigo® therapist, prenatal yoga teacher, birth educator and advocate for women with an enduring passion for birth on every level. She believes passionately that we are on the brink of/in the middle of the Birth Revolution that will see women taking back birth and their reproductive health into their hands.

You can find Sali, her book “Womb Medicine: The Art of Yoni Steaming for Women’s Health” and accompanying card deck at www.heartandsoulofwellness.com.

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